Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sisters Uptown Cultural Center hosts...

...Sabir Bey and guests Moorish Brooklyn Intelligence and Atef Ture on February 24, 2009. Sisters Uptown Cultural Center, in its ongoing commitment to provide culturally relevant programs to the community, offered a forum discussion of a topic loosely termed "The Reeducation of the So-called Negro." Sabir lectured on the importance of understanding civics and law as tools of reeducation.

...Sabir Bey and guests Moorish Brooklyn Intelligence and Atef Ture on February 24, 2009. Sisters Uptown Cultural Center, in its ongoing commitment to provide culturally relevant programs to the community, offered a forum discussion of a topic loosely termed "The Reeducation of the So-called Negro." Sabir lectured on the importance of understanding civics and law as tools of reeducation.

Sisters Uptown Cultural Center, located in Harlem, has a fine selection of books including Medu Neter, Nile Valley Contributions to Civilizations, Husia, and the hard to find Yurugu. It's always appreciated when venues such as this one open their doors to allow the transmission of varying opinions that address the challenges we face as a people.

Sisters Uptown Cultural Center
1942 Amsterdam Avenue (at 156th Street)

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