The PKDG family attended the 16th annual Locks Conference held at the Walter D. Palmer Leadership Learning Partners Charter school on October 3. Showcasing the diversity and endurance of the Afrakan aesthetic is always appreciated. We had the pleasure of running into Uar Tehuti Kamu of the Ausar Auset Society, lock technician and hair stylist extraordinaire Nzinga of Royal Blu, archivist and digital master Bro. Haneef and the omnipresent Sabir Bey, but it was the evening panel discussion that was the highlight for me. It was there that I got to reconnect with two of Philly's senior front line men for the liberation and redemption of African people.
The first was indefatigable journalist Henry De Bernardo. I am proud to see him maintaining the unflinching and uncompromising stance that is the hallmark of his journalistic career. Check out Henry's paper The Black Star and "let the chips fall where they may."
The second man needs no introduction. The venerable Ed Robinson has tirelessly championed the Afrakan cause for more than three quarters of a century. His work to establish a correct Afrakan history in Philly's public schools has yielded the first such required courses needed for graduation in Philly's public schools. His seminal recording "Black Rhapsody," the must read "Journey of the Songhay People" and the children's film the "Songhay Princess" are necessities in the collections and libraries of Afrakan people everywhere.
Our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the organizers of the Locks Conference for another successful event.