Saturday, February 26, 2011

Afrakans in the United States of America History Month - Profiles Part 3

Egbé Ijoba Maroon Kilombo - Society

Founded in 1997, Egbé Ijoba Maroon Kilombo has a distinguished history of service both to the Òrìsà and Afrakan community. Our programs are multidimensional and include not only worship experiences that are unique in Afrakan life but also activities that are social, educational and communal in nature.

Most significant is the fact that we are a kilombo (community) and that we take with great seriousness what we feel is a special responsibility to pursue sovereignty and righteous living on the personal, family and kilombo level. Guided by tradition on the one hand, and by necessity and creativity on the other, we offer avenues of approach to Afrakan life and ritual in a manner that supports, strengthens and sustains personal needs, as well as the collective commitment of our membership.

Ultimately, our kilombo is founded on and dedicated to a sustainable community concept of sovereignty and righteous living. Our mission consists of three (3) interrelated parts:

1. Personal- to create an safe environment where ReAfrakanization (Rediscovery, Redefinition and Revitalization) occurs and where people can live and develop fully as human beings.

2. Family- to facilitate the formation, maintenance and growth of healthy, holistic and functional families.

3. Community- to pursue full, uncompromised sovereignty for Sankofaman (Afrakan World Community).

For more info visit:

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